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Course Descriptions

CHE 151 - General College Chemistry I

4 Credits

This is the first semester of college chemistry and is appropriate for students interested in pursuing further studies in science or engineering. It is a mathematical approach to the principles of chemistry and assumes that students have had an above average preparation in chemistry. Topics include a brief review of problem solving using dimensional analysis, graphing, and significant figures; chemical stoichiometry; gas laws; thermochemistry; an in-depth treatment of atomic structure, periodicity, and chemical bonding; phase relationships. The laboratory features activities and experiments that reinforce the concepts presented in lecture.

Prerequisite(s): MCC level 9 Mathematics placement or MTH 165 with a minimum grade of C AND CHE 145 with a minimum grade of C or Chemistry Regents course grade of 75 or higher (students who did not take the Chemistry Regents course should contact the Department Chair.)

New SUNY General Education: SUNY - Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning)

Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-NS - Natural Sciences (SNSC)

MCC General Education: MCC-CT - Critical Thinking (MCT), MCC-SCI - Scientific Reasoning (MSCI)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Discuss the fundamental concepts and characteristics of atoms and molecules.
2. Discuss Lewis, VSEPR, and Valence Bond Theory models of chemical bonding.
3. Use chemical symbols to represent chemical formulas.
4. Write balanced chemical equations.
5. Predict products of aqueous reactions for precipitation or acid-base reactions.
6. Use dimensional analysis to perform unit conversions and stoichiometry problems.
7. Explain chemical periodicity and periodic trends using the periodic table.
8. Identify electron configurations using the periodic table.
9. Discuss the behavior of gases with respect to the kinetic theory of gases and applications of the ideal gas law.
10. Calculate heats of reaction from bond energies, standard heats of formation, or Hess’ Law.
11. Analyze calorimetry data at constant pressure conditions.
12. Deduce molecular-level mechanisms from macroscopic observations and data.
13. Demonstrate proper laboratory techniques, such as measurements with correct significant figures, graphing, or using volumetric glassware.
14. Apply aspects of the scientific method.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025