Note: This section of our website only applies to those students receiving the following benefits:
- Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill ®
- Chapter 1606 - MGIB - Selected Reserve
- Chapter 1607 - REAP
Each month that you attend class, you will be required to verify your enrollment in order to receive your monthly benefits payment. You can verify your attendance by:
- WAVE online system
- IVR (Interactive Voice Response) telephone number: 1-877-823-2378
As VA pays based on your class attendance, you will have to verify your status, which is governed by credit hours taken and course dates. Please note that your status at MCC (full time or part-time) may or may not reflect your VA status depending on the length of the courses throughout the specified term. In general, if a student takes 12 credits or more credits that extend the entire length of the term, he/she will be paid full-time VA benefits during that semester. If a portion of the 12 credit hours consists of varied length courses however, VA will only pay full-time benefits for the period of time that the student is actually attending 12 credits. If your status changes at any time during the semester, it is imperative that you notify the Veterans Service Office immediately. If you are overpaid for failure to report changes, VA will either reclaim these funds from future payments or deny future benefits and begin formal collection proceedings.
Brighton Campus
Building 1, Room 231
Hours: M - F 8:45am - 4:45pm
(585) 292-2400