Earth Sciences Micro-Credential for Teachers
This 12-credit micro-credential, which can be completed fully-online, supports in-service teachers by providing coursework to be applied toward their Supplemental Certification in Earth Sciences in New York State. MCC offerings allow in-service teachers to complete their coursework at one institution, as opposed to piecing together coursework from multiple colleges and universities. As of June 29, 2022 (via a NYS Board of Regents vote), students will then have five years to continue to accumulate 18 credit hours (formally 30 credit hours) to become permanently certified.
The coursework addresses multiple Earth Science competencies and existing course learning outcomes designated by the New York State Education Department, including:
- Explain complex phenomena, such as tides, variations in day length, solar insolation, apparent motion of the planets, and annual traverse of the constellations.
- Describe current theories about the origin of the universe and solar system.
- Use the concepts of density and heat energy to explain observations of weather patterns, seasonal changes, and the movements of Earth’s plates.
- Explain how incoming solar radiation, ocean currents, and land masses affect steady and variable weather and climate conditions.
- Describe and explain the formation of Earth’s physical features of the continents and oceans.
- Explain the properties of Earth materials in terms of the arrangement and properties of the atoms that compose them.
Required Courses*:
- Physical Geology, GEO 101, 4-credits
- Introduction to Astronomy, GEO 105, 3-credits
- Introduction to Meteorology, GEG 104, 3-credits
Elective Courses*:
- Historical Geology, GEO 102, 4-credits
- Introduction to Oceanography, GEO 106, 3-credits
- Dangerous Earth, GEO 108, 3-credits
- Introductory Astronomy Laboratory, GEO 115, 1-credit
* Students pursuing this micro-credential will complete the three required courses and at least one elective course from the list above depending upon interest and/or schedule of offerings. A final grade of C or higher must be earned in each course. Courses may be taken in any order except GEO 101 is required to be completed prior to GEO 102.
Note: Each course link above will bring you to a course description as well as a schedule of semester offerings for that specific course.
Questions? Contact Professor Szymanski (, Professor Colosimo (, or Professor Barone (
Contact Information
Jessica Barone
Department Chair
Brighton Campus
Building 8, Room 214
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2448
Department Secretary
Brighton Campus
Building 8, Room 210
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2425