About Degree Works
What is a Degree Works audit?
Degree Works is a web-based tool that produces a comprehensive checklist – or degree audit – for students (and their advisors) to monitor progress toward completion of a degree. All of the requirements for your degree are displayed on a ‘worksheet’ in a series of blocks and check boxes. Here you will be able to see which requirements you have already met or are registered for, and which ones you still need. When all the checkboxes on the worksheet are checked, you have completed your degree!
Who can use Degree Works?
All current students can use Degree Works. If you cannot access Degree Works, please contact an advisor.
Reading Degree Works
Degree Works looks busy…how do I read my worksheet?
Your worksheet is an outline of requirements that you need to complete to earn your degree. The horizontal block headers (in dark grey) divide the worksheet into various segments of data. The first block is the Student Information block and contains information about you as a student, such as your name, ID, Program, Major, School and Pathway. The next block contains data specific to the degree you are pursuing, i.e. Associate in Science, followed by your Program block, i.e. Business Administration. These blocks contain checkboxes with a description of the degree requirements and/or coursework that must be completed. Some requirements are indented, and just like an outline, indicate that there are ‘sub’ requirements underneath. Across from the checkboxes, you will see what is Still Needed or the course(s) fulfilling that requirement. The Legend at the bottom of the worksheet explains the various symbols you see on the worksheet. Any blocks toward the bottom of your worksheet that do not have checkboxes are generated by Degree Works and provide additional data about your coursework. For further assistance with how to read your worksheet, please consult an advisor.
What do the different colored checkboxes and symbols represent on the audit?
There is a Legend at the bottom of your worksheet that explains the various checkboxes and symbols
How current is my information in Degree Works?
The information in Degree Works is updated systematically over night, but can be ‘refreshed’ instantaneously by clicking on the refresh button, then the ‘Process New’ button. Any changes that are made to your schedule will be reflected on your worksheet by one of these two ways.
Where can I see a description of a course or when it is being offered?
When you hover over (mouse over) a single class, i.e. AAD 105, on your worksheet, a pop-up box with the course title will appear. You can double-click on the course link to see the course description along with registration details such as when the course is being offered, how many seats are open, etc. For a range of courses, i.e. ART 100-999, click on the link to see all the course titles, descriptions, and registration details within that range. If there are no dates under a course description, it means that that course is not offered in any current open registration terms.
What is the difference between a Program, Major, Track, Option and Degree?
The Student Information block at the top of your Degree Works worksheet displays your Program and Major. Some Programs also have Tracks or Options within them. The Degree you are pursuing is displayed in the first block below the Student Information block.
Program: MCC awards degrees based on the completion of your Program, which is comprised of curricula approved by the State Department of Education. Degree Works will always default to your Program requirements.
Major – Your Major refers to your ‘Field of Study’ and is often the same code and title as your Program, which means you only need to complete the requirements on your default worksheet to earn your degree.
If your Major is a different code and title than your Program because it is a 2+2 articulation agreement, you may click on the 2+2 link at the top (left) of your worksheet, and/or contact a transfer advisor about specific advisement for the transfer School. Or if your Major is a Liberal Arts and Sciences advisement sequence, you will need to run a ‘What If’ on that Major to see which specific courses you are advised to take. In either case, the requirements in your Program (on the default worksheet) must still be satisfied to earn your degree. Additional courses that are not required in your actual Program may not be eligible for Financial Aid – see FACE – Financial Aid Course Eligibility: 7e0z.81623464.com/go/FACE
Majors that are ‘Tracks’ – Some Majors with a different code than your Program are identified as ‘Tracks’, such as the HS03 Health Studies ‘Clinical Track’ within the HS01 Health Studies Program. You do not need to run a ‘What If’ for these Majors because your Track will be built into your Program. Your, default worksheet will display the requirements you need to satisfy.
Tracks and Options within a Program – Some Programs have a choice of two or more Tracks or Options within the Program, such as the ‘Design’, ‘Illustration’, and ‘Motion Media’ Tracks in VC01 Graphic Design. You will follow the requirements on your default worksheet but will need to choose courses according to whichever Track or Option you are seeking (as listed on your worksheet).
Degree – In addition to Certificates, the Degrees offered at MCC are the Associate in Arts (A.A.), Associate in Science (A.S.), and Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S). What is my School and Pathway?
You will find your School and Pathway in the Student Information block at the top of your worksheet. When you are admitted to MCC, you are admitted to a School, which connects you to an academic home and the people who will support your personal success at the College. Your Pathway is your intended major. Depending on your placement scores or other student needs, your pathway may match your current Program or it may differ. (If applicable, you will also find your Department, Advisor, and Advisement Location in this block.)
What is the SUNY General Education Requirement (SUNY-GER) block?
MCC students who plan to transfer and complete a baccalaureate degree at a SUNY four-year campus must complete the 30 credit SUNY-GERs from at least seven knowledge and skill areas/categories: Mathematics (required), Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, American History, Western Civilization, Other World Civilizations, Humanities, The Arts, Foreign Language, and Basic Communication (required). Critical Thinking (Reasoning) and Information Management are competencies infused throughout the General Education program. Whether or not you plan to transfer, the SUNY-GER block is there to track the courses and categories of SUNY General Education Requirements that you have completed or are in progress.
What is an ‘attribute’?
A course attribute is a way to identify courses that meet certain criteria. Many Programs require courses that qualify as a SUNY General Education Requirement (SUNY-GER) and/or meet MCC General Education Learning Outcomes. Each course that meets these criteria is ‘tagged’ with its respective attribute(s). When planning registration, students will find it convenient to click on the attribute link to find all the courses that will satisfy a given requirement.
Using Degree Works
Can I use Degree Works on my own or do I still need to see an advisor?
We encourage you to track your own progress using Degree Works while you are pursuing your degree. However, academic advisement is recommended and is required for students in certain academic programs or with a GPA below 2.0.
I want to change my program. Where can I see other Programs in Degree Works?
To see the requirements for another Program/Major in Degree Works (and where your completed/registered coursework would fit in a new Program/Major), click on ‘What If’ on the left-hand side of your worksheet. This will default to the current Catalog year. Select the Major you wish to review and click on the ‘Process What-If’ tab at the top. If you decide you want to change your Program/Major, please contact Advisement and Transfer Services.
I want to drop a class but where can I see other options?
Can I print out my worksheet?
Yes, the ‘Print’ button is at the top of your worksheet in the black navigation bar. You can also use the ‘Save as PDF’ tab and print in PDF format by using the Print option from your browser.
What do the Notes mean at the bottom of my worksheet?
These are primarily a record of your meetings with your academic/faculty advisor/specialist. Notes help you remember what you were advised – particularly coursework – but may include other information related to your academic goals. They are also a helpful reference for advisors. Other notes may reference an adjustment to your worksheet. The alpha/numeric codes you see are for internal use. The asterisks (*) help separate codes from the text that precedes/follows.
Troubleshooting Degree Works
Why does my degree audit say “Degree Not Yet Declared?”
Degree Works began with the fall 2012 catalog, anything earlier will generate this message. You may use the ‘What If’ feature to see the requirements for any catalog beginning with 2012 and forward. If you need/wish to change your catalog year, please contact an academic advisor/specialist or the Registration and Records office to review your options.
Why is some of my coursework in the ‘Additional Courses/Credits’ block?
Courses that are not used to meet a requirement in your Program will fall into the Additional Courses/Credits block or the SUNY General Education Requirement (GER) block, and will count toward your overall GPA. However, they may not be eligible for financial aid (see FACE – Financial Aid Course Eligibility: 7e0z.81623464.com/go/FACE). Why aren’t all the credits of my course being used (why does my audit
have a ‘Split Credits’ block)?
Prior to fall 2018, some academic programs allowed credits to ‘split’. For example, if you took a 4-credit Math course in a Program that required 3-4 credits of Math and also required a general elective, Degree Works could split the ‘extra’ credit from the Math course to be used toward the general elective. If the general elective was already satisfied with another course, Degree Works would drop the extra credit into the ‘Additional Credits/Courses’ block, but it will still count toward your overall earned credit. Beginning fall 2018, splitting credits is no longer allowed.
I’m confused by the long list of courses on my worksheet. How do I know which ones to take?
Some Programs have requirements that can be satisfied by several different courses. To understand how these requirements are structured, think of your worksheet as an outline. Oftentimes you will see the category of the requirement listed first, i.e. SUNY General Education Requirement (SUNY-GER), followed by an indented list of SUNY-GER ‘choices’, meaning that you only need choose ONE of those options. Another hint is to focus on the right-hand side of the audit and follow ‘Still Needed’ from left to right. Each course ‘choice’ across from, and under, ‘Still Needed’ will be followed by ‘or’ until you get to the end of the choices. Once you register for a class that meets the requirement, the long list will be replaced by your registered class.
Why does Degree Works tell me I have to use the ‘What If’ feature to see the requirements for my major?
MCC awards degrees at the Program level. If you get a message to use the ‘What If’ feature, it is because you are following an advisement sequence (Major) that is different from your actual Program. You should view your Program worksheet first (this is the default worksheet), because it will display the requirements you need in order to get your degree from MCC. Then, you can use the ‘What If’ feature to see any additional coursework that may be required or recommended for your advisement sequence. Please be aware that financial aid implications may exist for additional courses not required in your actual Program (see FACE – Financial Aid Course Eligibility: 7e0z.81623464.com/go/face What does this mean? “ALERT: You have an excluded course(s) from a
Program Change or Fresh Start”
Although it is no longer a policy, at one time MCC’s ‘Program Change’ policy excluded courses with low grades if/when you changed your program. ‘Fresh Start’ continues to be a policy, and works somewhat similarly with regard to excluding courses with poor grades. If you have had a course excluded for one of these two reasons and you register to repeat the same course, your registered course will not be applied to a requirement in your Program – but rather, will appear in the ‘Insufficient’ block (at the bottom of your worksheet) – until it is graded. (The excluded course will remain in the block titled ‘Preparatory Courses/Excluded/Courses not Counted’.)
What does this mean? “ALERT – You are registered twice for the same course”
There are certain times a year when registration opens up for two terms, ex. spring and summer. If you register for the same course in a future term (i.e. in the summer) that you are currently taking (i.e. in the spring), you will see this alert at the top of your worksheet. It does not mean you need to drop the future registration – some students may feel that they are not doing well in a course and want to secure a seat for the same course in the next term. The alert message serves as a notice in case you registered to repeat the course inadvertently. In addition, it could be problematic if there are two open requirements in your program that the same course could satisfy; Degree Works will apply both registrations until one of the courses is graded.
What if my student information in Degree Works is incorrect?
You should consult with your department advisor, or speak to an academic advisor in Advisement and Transfer Services (Brighton 1-231) or Student Services (Downtown Campus).
The requirements for my Major are incorrect. What should I do?
First, look at the Catalog Year in the Student Information block at the top of your worksheet. According to our records, you are following the requirements from this catalog year. If you are following requirements from a different catalog year (i.e. a more current or future catalog), please contact Registration and Records to have your catalog year updated. If there are other reasons you believe your audit is incorrect, contact Advisement and Transfer Services. There may be a problem with the audit, or it may be in the way Degree Works processes data, and someone can explain this to you.
Why isn’t my class counting toward the right requirement, or is being used in a different place than I saw it before?
Degree Works looks for the 'best fit' when it comes to applying a course to a requirement, however, courses may ‘move around’ to different requirements as you take more courses. If Degree Works is not using a course where you think it should be, contact your advisor or Advisement and Transfer Services.
Why are some of my classes applying in two places?
This is because the Degree Works worksheet has a separate block for SUNY General Education Requirements (SUNY-GER). A course that is being used to satisfy a requirement in your Program will be applied in the Program block, but if it qualifies as a SUNY-GER, it will also display in the SUNY-GER block (however, you are only earning credit for that course once). You may see additional courses in the SUNY-GER block that are not used in your Program block. Courses that are not used in your Program or in the SUNY-GER block will appear at the bottom of your worksheet in ‘Additional Courses’ block. Be aware that only courses that apply to your Program can be considered for financial aid.
Why don’t I see my transfer credit on my worksheet?
You will need to contact the Admissions Office to see why your transfer credit was not applied.
I was given permission to substitute or waive a course, but it's not showing in Degree Works.
Substitutions and waivers are called ‘course exceptions’ in Degree Works. First, follow up with your advisor or your department chairperson to see if the appropriate paperwork has been submitted. If so, you should contact Registration and Records to learn the status of the substitution or waiver. Once the course exception has been posted, and a new audit is processed, it will appear on your worksheet. Old substitutions and waivers are on record in the college’s computer system. If you do not see an old course exception on your Degree Works audit, you may contact Registration and Records to have it applied.
What if my coursework is out of semester-sequence on my worksheet?
In the fall 2018, many academic programs were re-designed in a four-semester format in Degree Works to help students complete their degree in a timely manner. The format also aligns with the College catalog. It is possible that your coursework falls into different semesters on your worksheet – without filling up the prior semester(s). This is okay! The important thing is that you complete ALL the requirements. Your academic/faculty advisor can help you build your schedule so that you are taking the appropriate courses each semester.
Why is some of my coursework in the ‘Additional Courses/Credits’ block?
Courses that are not used to meet a requirement in your program will fall into the Additional Courses/Credits block or the SUNY General Education Requirement (GER) block, and will count toward your overall GPA. However, they may not be eligible for financial aid (see FACE – Financial Aid Course Eligibility: 7e0z.81623464.com/go/FACE). Other Questions
How can I register for a class in Degree Works?
Currently, you cannot register for a class directly from Degree Works. You will need to register through myMCC/My Account/Registration and Records.
How is my degree audit different from my transcript?
Your degree audit is a tool to help you plan, and to give you a visual of your progress toward the completion of your degree. It displays the courses that are required and completed in your degree program. Your transcript is your official academic record and provides a chronological list of courses completed as well as other academic information. To see your coursework by semester from Degree Works, click on the Class History link.
Can I have transfer credit removed from my worksheet?
No, it is the policy of the College that once transfer credit is applied, it remains on your record.
Can I use a course with a higher grade in place of another course on my
Degree Works is a computer application that selects a course based on whether it will fulfill a requirement (typically older courses first). As long as the grade for that course also meets the requirement, it doesn’t matter which course is used. Only you and MCC can view your audit; transfer schools will only see your transcript, not your Degree Works worksheet.
Do I automatically graduate if everything is checked off on my worksheet?
No. You still need to submit an ‘Intent to Graduate’ application in your last term. When you apply to graduate, Graduation Services runs a process against your Degree Works audit and will inform you of your graduation status. The process will be repeated after final grades are posted. You may submit your ‘Intent to Graduate’ application online at http://7e0z.81623464.com/depts/grad/graduation-procedures/intent-to-graduate/ What does the ‘Class History’ link do?
Similar to your academic transcript, the ‘Class History’ link displays your coursework in chronological order.
What does ‘SAP’ stand for?
As described on your worksheet, ‘SAP’ is your Satisfactory Academic Progress, which impacts your Academic Standing at the College. Having this information in Degree Works not only lets you know how well you are doing but also helps advisors guide you in your academic pursuits. To learn more about SAP, and what the different SAP values mean on your worksheet, visit:
7e0z.81623464.com/go/sapGPA Calculator
What is the GPA calculator? How does it work?
The ‘GPA Calc’ tab is a tool that allows you to do three different kinds of calculations. The ‘Graduation Calculator’ displays your Current GPA – you will need to enter the Credits Remaining, Credits Required, and Desired GPA and process ‘Calculate’ which will generate advice as to the average you need to maintain in your remaining credits to achieve your desired GPA. The ‘Term Calculator’ displays your Current GPA, Credits Earned So Far, and your registered Classes – you will need to select the grade you anticipate in each of your registered courses and process ‘Calculate’ which will display the calculated GPA that you will have at the end of the term. The ‘Advice Calculator’ displays your Current GPA and Credits Earned – you will need to enter your Desired GPA and process ‘calculate’, which will give you an idea of how many more credits and the grade you would need to achieve your goal.
Degree Works Student Educational Planner (SEP)
What is the ‘Plans’ tab for?
The Plans tab takes you to the Degree Works Student Educational Planner (SEP). You and your advisor can use this tool to build, plan, and track your progress each semester. There are pre-built program templates that, once pulled into your plan, can be modified to meet your individual needs. You also have the ability to build a plan ‘from scratch’. Different views within the SEP tool will allow you to see your Degree Works audit, print a schedule, view notes, and edit your plan. A student tutorial will be available soon, but you may contact an academic advisor/specialist to start using SEP now!
What if something changes in my Plan?
Your Degree Works plan is meant to be fluid and can be modified/updated each semester during your advisement session with your advisor.
Is the Planner in Degree Works the same as the Schedule Planner?
No. Your Degree Works Plan is for academic planning and does not link directly to registration, so it is a supplement to the Schedule Planner. Hopefully, there will be an integration between the two systems in the near future.
Can I make my own Plan or do I have to wait for my advisor?
Currently, students can create, modify, and view plans. However, they cannot modify or delete a locked plan.
Degree Works Transfer Finder
What does the ‘Transfer’ tab do?
The Transfer tab takes you to the Degree Works Transfer Finder tool where you can evaluate transfer opportunities within the SUNY network. Transfer Finder allows you to search up to three different SUNY colleges and universities or three different majors at a time. The coursework you have taken at MCC will be automatically evaluated for equivalent coursework at the transfer institution through their Degree Works system. If you have coursework from a private institution or from a SUNY college or university that does not have Degree Works, you can manually enter it in Transfer Finder to be evaluated. Progress bars on the Transfer Finder audit can help guide your transfer decisions. A Transfer Finder tutorial is now available.
Important: Transfer Finder is a transfer tool available for students and advisors. Its results are not official and do not represent agreements between Monroe Community College with other institutions.
Can I use Transfer Finder to track my progress and plan my courses and transfer or do I still need to see an advisor?
Students are encouraged to use Transfer Finder as a transfer planning tool. Additionally, academic advisement is highly recommended and students should meet with their advisor each semester to choose courses to complete their MCC degree and their transfer plans.
What is the “My Courses” feature and how do I use it?
‘My Courses’ displays a condensed list of the courses that you have taken or are in-progress at MCC. It will not show courses that you have transferred into MCC. To add AP credits or courses taken at a different institution, click ‘Search/Add SUNY Schools’ or ‘Add Other Schools’ and select the institution you wish to add. If you select a SUNY School that you previously attended, as long as the school also uses Transfer Finder and you are still in their Degree Works database, it will automatically bring in the coursework you took there. Otherwise, click ‘Add New Class’ and manually enter your course information. You will need to follow the same manual method when choosing ‘Add Other Schools’.
MCC course information and other institution(s) courses will now show in the ‘Transfer What If Audit’ when you return to the ‘SUNY Transfer Tools’ link located at the upper left and then click on the ‘Transfer What if Audit’ box.
What is the ‘Transfer What if Audit’ feature and how do I use it?
The ‘Transfer What if Audit’ allows you to see how your completed courses would transfer to another SUNY institution. The first choice is to select either a SUNY Transfer Path, an Academic Discipline, or a specific Campus.
SUNY Transfer Path- If the program you want to pursue is part of a SUNY Transfer Pathway, select this option; transfer is essentially seamless and you will receive credit for all courses completed in that pathway. Click on the ‘SUNY Transfer Path’ link, select your pathway and click ‘ok’. All institutions that offer that pathway will display. You may select up to three Majors/institutions then click ‘See Comparison’. This will bring you to the Degree Progress bar(s). To view the details of each Major/institution, click ‘View Detail’. The course equivalencies will display at the top of the audit. Below that, you will see a degree audit similar to your MCC Degree Works worksheet. Your MCC courses (or other coursework brought into Transfer Finder) and their equivalents will display at the top. Courses that have an equivalent at the transferring institution will also populate below in the degree audit if they apply to the major.
Academic Discipline- If you want to pursue a specific discipline at another SUNY Institution, select this option. Click on ‘Academic Discipline’, select the discipline you want to pursue and then click ‘ok’. You may select up to three campuses that offer a program in that discipline and click ‘See Comparison’. The degree progress bar(s) will display for each major. To view the details of each major, click ‘View Detail’. The course equivalents to your MCC courses (or other coursework brought into Transfer Finder) will display at the top. Courses that have an equivalent at the transferring institution will also populate below in the degree audit if they apply to the major.
Campus- If you are planning to transfer to a specific SUNY institution or want to compare several SUNY schools, select this option to see the majors in your selection. You may select up to three campuses that offer a major you are interested in and click ‘See Comparison’. The degree progress bar(s) will display for each major. To view the details of each major, click ‘View Detail’. The course equivalents to your MCC courses (or other coursework brought into Transfer Finder) will display at the top. Courses that have an equivalent at the transferring institution will also populate below in the degree audit if they apply to the major.
What is the ‘Find Equivalent Courses within SUNY’ feature and how do I use it?
This feature allows you to search SUNY schools’ for course equivalents. Enter the course code and number for the class for which you would like to find equivalent offerings. For example, BIO 155. Hover over (mouse over) the ‘Conditions’ icon on the right of the screen to see any special conditions for the course equivalent. If a course displays as a link, you can click on the link to display schedule information in the bottom window.
What does ‘NOEQ 100’ mean?
‘NOEQ 100’ with the message “No Equivalent Found” indicates that there are no equivalents to the course at the transfer institution. ‘NOEQ 100’ may still count as a general elective or may be brought in by the transfer school as an elective for a specific discipline such as ENG XXX. ‘NOEQ 100’ may also indicate the grade requirement for the course has not been met for transfer.
What are Fallthrough Courses?
The ‘Fallthrough Courses’ Block contains all courses that were passed, but do not fit into a particular area under the current major. If there is a course here that could possibly apply elsewhere, please contact your advisor. This block will not display if Fallthrough courses do not exist.
Can I save my Transfer Finder information?
Copies of the Transfer Finder audits are not saved anywhere within the system. The only way to save/print your Transfer Finder audit for future use or comparison is to use the Save Audit as PDF functionality.
How current is the information in Transfer Finder?
The information is extracted from each individual school’s Degree Works system which is usually updated at regular intervals.
I have questions about my Transfer Finder worksheet and/or think it is incorrect. What should I do?
Please consult with your advisor and/or contact the Advisement and Transfer Services office at 292-2400 or stop to make an appointment – Building 3 Room 231.